Importance of various vitamins and minerals to keep proper health condition is well known and the recommended daily allowance of them is the only discussion about. B vitamin group, actually eight B vitamins and few other related substances, is essential for the body to perform a multitude of functions. B complex vitamin is taken as the supplement to ensure required B vitamin consumption.
The eight vitamins that make up the B complex vitamin are:
B Vitamin Supplement
* vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
* vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
* vitamin B3 (Niacin)
* vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
* vitamin B12(Cobalamine)
* Folic acid
* Pantothenic
* Biotin.
The other related substances that are also included in the B complex are:
* Choline
* Inositol
* para-aminobenzoic acid
Each of vitamins performs its own individual function within the body and working together as the B complex vitamin, they provide essential maintenance for healthy body. The B vitamin complex, with water soluble B vitamin content, is essential to get enough of these vitamins on a daily basis. Vitamin B solubility in the water doesn't allow the storage of the B vitamins in the body and leads to dependence on a regular daily intake.
As the B complex vitamins are extremely beneficial for health of human body, in certain conditions intake of additional quantities of B complex vitamin may be required. The recommended daily allowance of the B complex vitamins varies according to the age and sex of a person. The results of the last researches clearly show that increasing the intake of the B complex vitamin may assist to overcome some illnesses.
Turns out that B complex vitamin is affective to help people suffering from anxiety and stress. It helps to relaxation and alleviates symptoms of the stress. During recovering process additional B complex vitamin can be extremely valuable.
Fatigue sometimes may be a symptom of a multitude of illnesses and not only simply overdoing things. In such cases the B complex vitamin can effectively alleviate general tiredness and lethargy.
B complex vitamin, is helpful for some skin conditions too such as dermatitis, and in such condition additional B complex vitamin intake also can be beneficial. A number of creams and skin supplements are enriched by additional content of B complex vitamin which can be absorbed by the skin to alleviate the condition. The hair condition can also greatly improve with sufficient B complex vitamin intake.
More about how vitamin B can help reduce high blood pressure read in report by Samuel A. Baron "Natural treatment for hypertension" on